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时间:2024-01-27 14:36:58





The developing customer of the Futures company 

[Abstract] In recent years, the rapid development of economic construction, intensified global economic integration, the financial industry has gradually rise in China, with the stock market and trading securities in the public market, the popularity of futures companies - as a new company came into being . Futures, both a commodity, but also a contract, futures trading futures companies need to expand, so the company is mainly engaged in futures brokerage business, is the nature of agency, it is a bridge between traders and futures exchanges, and Futures company's development, as well as related to the vital interests of security and stability in the futures market of consumer transactions, has far-reaching significance. However, in recent years, due to the financial market downturn, resulting in the loss of the futures corporate clients, reducing the futures company's revenue has led to disorder futures market order, is a noteworthy and solve problems. In view of this, futures companies to increase customer development efforts to maintain the stability of the futures market order, it is imminent.

Therefore, the position of this paper is to study how to effectively develop customer source for futures companies. The author of this article with outstanding futures companies Huatai Great Wall Futures Company as an example, by studying the way its customers to develop, on this basis, propose a new method for customers to develop and make comparison with the previous method, proposed an effective method for customers to develop and improve the futures company operating conditions, to achieve long-term stable development.

[Key words] futures companies; development; problem; solving method

目  录

< ……此处隐藏8143个字……的工作,有利于我们向客户宣传我们自身的抗风险能力,以便帮助客户防范风险,也有利于提高顾客的忠诚度。

总  结



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